Lesvos, April 2010
A second spring trip in successive years to this enchanting island. Many thanks to companions John & Jenny Chainey, Dan Duff and Simon Stirrup for making this such an enjoyable trip and to Abbott Travel of Royston, Herts, for handling our Thomson travel booking so well during the 'ash cloud' period...! I am indebted too to Steve of 'Holloway Optics' of Thetford for loan of the Canon 7D that took many of the images. Click on top-left image to start, then click on yellow 'next' symbol to view each image in turn or use your 'return' key on keyboard to move forward. Please contact me to re-use any image. (NB larger images will be uploaded when a site technical issue is resolved.) Enjoy!

Lesvos, a birding idyll

Molyvos harbour

A birder-friendly island!

Kalloni saltpans

Glossy Ibis

Black Stork

Squacco Heron

Black-winged Stilt

Wood Sandpiper

Little Ringed Plover

Whiskered Tern

Black-headed Wagtail

Crested Lark

Red-footed Falcon

Red-footed Falcon

Long-legged Buzzard

Ruddy Shelduck



Holy Orchid

Egyptian Grasshopper

Scops Owl

Little Owl

Spanish Sparrow


Subalpine Warbler

Eastern Bonelli's Warbler

Olive-tree Warbler



Guess what!?

ans: Rock Nuthatch

Petrified tree trunk

Fishing line

Kremasti bridge

Little Bittern

Little Ringed Plover

Golden wonder